Anesthesia and patient monitoring during sedation
Image 1: a patient recovering from anesthesia. Anesthesia plays a significant role in animal imaging. Unlike in human medicine, veterinarians are unable to impart the importance of staying still during scans. For this reason, anesthetics are used to sedate patients during procedures to assure an accurate diagnosis from clear scans, as well as to protect the safety of both the patient and the veterinary team. Anesthetic agents sedate patients by depressing various biological functions, including heart and respiratory rates. As such, approval for a procedure requiring anesthesia is only granted once a patient is determined to be stable enough to handle sedation. Pre-existing conditions can make a patient more susceptible to complications while under anesthesia, and may require additional precautions or a delay in the procedure until their condition has improved. The first step of the anesthesia process is induction. Patients are given a combination of analgesics and short-term seda...